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There has always been people who have tried to guess at the return of Christ Jesus. There have been cults dedicated to His return. There are people like those of Millerite movement who followed Baptist preacher William Miller's proclamations that Christ Jesus would return to the Earth by 1844. Many of them sold every thing they had believing that Christ Jesus was coming back on October 22, 1844. And even now when we look at what is happening world wide it is easy to think that we are in the last days of the last days. We have been doing a study through the Book of Revelation by Dr. David Jeremiah and he has said several times that everything that needs to happen for the Christ Jesus to comeback and take His bride, The Church home has happened. So who knows? I know that each day brings us closer.
In today’s General Command we hear Christ Jesus telling us to be alert for that day, He doesn't tell the day, just to be ready, because it could happen any minute. So come on in and hangout while we look at, chew on, and discuss God’s Word together.
Matthew 24:42–44
42“So always be ready, because you don’t know the day your Lord will come. 43 Remember this: If the owner of the house knew what time of night a thief was coming, the owner would watch and not let the thief break in. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at a time you don’t expect him.
Christ Jesus encouraged His disciples to be alert, because they did not know on what day the Lord would come. When the Tribulation period begin is known to God, but by the Seventieth Week spoken of in Daniel we know there will be a definite starting time and a definite ending time. Therefore watchfulness is important. If a person knows the approximate time a thief may come to break into their house, they take precautions and prepares accordingly. We will know generally, from the signs of the end, when Christ Jesus will return, but we will not know the exact time.1
Christ Jesus promised to come again. Once again, the disciples had their own idea of what Christ Jesus meant. They expected to see Him return to earth in their lifetime. When it didn’t happen the way they expected, some began to doubt whether He would ever return. However, Christ Jesus never said when He would return—in fact, He said no one but God the Father knows the hour. Instead, He told us to always expect His return, so that we would be prepared.2
God never forgets His people and His timing is intentional. God delays Christ Jesus’ return, because He is merciful. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). God wants everyone to turn to Him, and He is giving us plenty of time and opportunity to do so.
Christ Jesus said He will come again, so He will! His second coming will bring an end to sin, sickness, and sadness. It will be the ultimate, forever victory. He wants us to be ready. He wants us to be intentional about the time He gives us here on earth. We aren’t here to chase things that give only temporary happiness. He has given us a meaningful purpose: to know Him, to follow Him in obedience, and to share His love with others. “You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming” (2 Peter 3:11–12).
God has a plan, and we’re part of it, so let’s be faithful!3
So is the happiness of believers confined to this present life? No: if we have hope in Christ Jesus only in this life, we are of all men most miserable, (1 Corinthians 15:19). Is the best of our happiness in this life? No: for in the world you will have tribulation (John 16:33). Do we have to die just like everyone else? Well yes: it is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27) that is unless we are alive when Christ Jesus comes for the Church. And we need to prepare for His return?4 How do we prepare for Christ Jesus' return? We must accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, without this nothing else we do matters. We also should live our lives for Christ Jesus, and be telling others about Him so that they will be ready for His return.
Thanks for dropping by. I pray that our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus watch over you and yours. And may He bless you and yours.
1 Louis A. Barbieri Jr., “Matthew,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 79.
2 Shilo Taylor, Brand New: A 40-Day Guide to Life in Christ (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017), 80–81.
3 Shilo Taylor, Brand New: A 40-Day Guide to Life in Christ (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2017), 81.
4 Mark Water, AMG’s Encyclopedia of Jesus' Life & Time (AMG Publishers, 2005).
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