God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit

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Thursday, August 17, 2023


 Good afternoon, it's been awhile since I posted last and I don't know if anyone will read this post. But here goes, so come on in sit a spell and let's chew on God's word a bit.

I have been reading a book by Dale Sellers titled "Stalled." It is a book for pastors who feel they are struggling in their ministry. I know that I find myself in that boat quite a bit, and until recently I thought this was normal. But now I beginning to think this isn't the case. After listening to Revitalize & Replant podcast by the North American Mission Board and reading Chapter 7 in Dale's book, I'm thinking I'm in need of a paradigm shift. 

Te quotes I'm posting are all from Dale's book and are found in Chapter 7. Now here is my disclaimer - while Dale's book is written for pastor and others in the ministry what he has to say is really good for all Christians and your walk with Christ. So this blog is based Dale's book and if you want to read more buy his book "Stalled."

Dale and his wife were at a crossroads in their life and ministry when their pastor asked them this question "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail." Wow! What a great question for you and I. What would we do with our Christian lives, what ministry would we be apart of; if we knew we could not fail? We were all created for a kingdom purpose, but we have a tendency to let Satan beat us up and we forget this. Like Joshua we need to meditate on God's Word and remind ourselves that we are special and have a special kingdom purpose. 

Galatians 5:1 (The Living Bible) So Christ has made us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get all tied up again in the chains of slavery to Jewish laws and ceremonies. Paul wrote this to the church in Galatia warning them about loosing the freedom that Christ Jesus came to grant them. Freedom from a life based on performance. Freedom from trying to live for Christ Jesus and letting Him live through you. A freedom gained by letting Christ Jesus have access to every part of your life.

"Christ Jesus didn't come to provide rules for us to follow. Not at all. He came to restore us to the life we lost in the garden when Adam and Eve chose the tree of knowledge over the tree of life. Jesus did not come to help bad people behave (or perform) better. He came to make dead people alive." - (Dale Sellers) Gives a whole new spin on things doesn't it. Yes, Christ Jesus came to save us from the penalty of sin (death, and eternal separation from the Triune God.), but He did more He gave us life and look what it says in John 10:10 ~ "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."  

One more quote and thought. "Remember joy doesn't flow out of performance. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit's work in our lives. We are supernaturally filled with joy when we embrace the freedom that comes from being made spiritually alive in Jesus." - (Dale Sellers). I know a lot of you would say yes we know that joy is a fruit of the Spirit ~ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23). But are you truly experiencing the Spirit given joy or are you so hung up on trying to please God you are missing out. Again the finger is pointing back of me. Today I realized I am a numbers guy. I find myself constantly worrying over how many people read this blog, or how many people watch the live stream of our a.m. service, or how many attend or don't attend our church, our Sunday Schools, our Youth. When I start doing that I miss out on the joy of the Spirit and I block potential blessing just waiting to come my way.

So here are some thoughts courtesy of Dale Sellers' book "Stalled," and the North American Revitalized & Replant podcast. 

A Panhandle pastor

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