God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Journey - The Beginning

    Good morning, it has been awhile since I posted anything, and to be honest I don't know how many people will read this or still read blogs at all. I know that vlogs, and tic-tocs are the thing now. But I am a writer and I definitely am not all that good "on camera." 

   This next series of blogs are a bit of a departure from what I have normally done in the past. In the past I would post Bible Studies or something related to a Bible Study. But here in the last couple of months I have had a major change in my life and I wanted to write about it. Who knows maybe it will be inspirational to someone, or maybe it will let someone know they are not alone in an experience like this. I hope and pray that you will feel free to give me feedback as you read these post. Maybe just as important it posting let's me work through what I am going through. 

   Okay, now the beginning of this journey. I am big guy, 6' 3" and at the start of all of this I weighed in about 325 lbs. I am in pretty good shape for the shape I'm in. I was pretty active, driving a school bus, helping with After School Bible Club as well as other duties a single staff pastor has. I do suffer from diabetes and although not directly responsible for my current state it has contributed to it. 

   The parsonage we live in is on a large size lot with lots of trees and bushes. During the fall, winter, and spring we usually gather the branches and that fall and trimmings done and pile them in two places on our property. Then in the summer we collect the brush and haul them to the brush pile of one of the members of the church. It was during this brush hauling time that this new journey in my life was about to begin. 

   We had already hauled about four or five pick-up loads of brush, trimmings, and weeds to the brush pile and were actually finishing up on what was to be the last load of the summer. I was pulling on a branch of Russian Thistle that ended up being longer than I thought. The branch got hung up in the tree and as I turned to get a better pull on the branch my feet got tangled in the under brush and I went down twisting and having the branch fall on me. I was a little sore, but I pulled myself up and finished loading the pick-up with that last load and then took it and dumped it. I didn't know it at the time but this was the beginning of a major change in my life. 

   The day after my fall my wife and I worked in the yard finishing some mowing and raking small twigs and branches into our compost pile. I did some mowing a couple of days later, it was some hard mowing - waist high weeds and on an incline. The next day I didn't do much because my right ankle hurt. On Wednesday I was going to help my wife do some more yard work, but I couldn't get my sock on my foot so I went and took a morning shower. When I stepped out of the shower I heard a pop and and almost collapsed in pain. I was able to get into the doctor that afternoon, but me being me I had my wife take me to get a haircut appointment that I had scheduled. Then on to my doctors appointment where I found out I had a broken Fibula and Tibia. I had more than likely fractured them when I had my initial fall and aggravated them with the work I did. 

In the next post I'm sent to an orthopedic surgeon and I learn about something call Charcot Foot.

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