God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Home Again, Home Again...

   Good evening and welcome. In case you haven't look at the other two post of this story let me give you a quick version. I broke my fibula and my tibia, they couldn't put in plates and screws like they normally would. This led to a bar through my heel, two screws going down in to my leg, and a couple of pins in my ankle or there abouts. And so the next chapter of my journey was about to begin. After a week in the hospital and no infection it was time to say goodbye to the great staff at Moore County hospital and head home. 

   Now remember this is what my right foot looked like so a lot was about to change.

   The first big change, getting into the car. This should have been an easy thing right? Little did I know what I was in for. I had been told to stay off my foot and to keep it elevated, and just how I was going to this while riding in the car I had no idea. Gayla and the red team had gone down and scoped things out the day before so they had a plan, I just didn't understand it. We got down to the car and the wheeled the wheelchair up to the back door and now the fun began, not. Picture this a 290 + pound guy with hardware in his leg trying to hop, jump, and pivot on one foot and that was just to get to the door and sit on the seat. Now that I was seated I had to swivel my leg with all the hardware in it and slide across the back seat so that I could prop my leg up on an ice chest, various pillows, and blankets all the while trying to get comfortable (that wasn't happening). 

   The next stop Wal-mart and then McDonald. From there the forever ride from Dumas TX to our house, just a short hour and a half away. Man talk about pain, no matter how I shifted I could make that seat, or my backside feel comfortable and half way between Dalhart and our house it felt as if I were on some medieval torture device. Finally we were home and just my wife and I had to figure how to get me out of the car again not a simple task.

   Out of the car and do we go up the ramp frontwards or backwards? By the way praise the Lord for the church member who lent me her husband's wheelchair and for the ramp in to house. Next question can my wheelchair get through the kitchen door and once in how hard will it be to get out? Well needless to say we were able to get into the house (by going up backwards) and back out of the house. 

  We had people asking us how we were doing and adjusting. The answers was always or almost always the same we were adjusting well, we had to. How were we doing? Well praise the Lord I had no real feeling in my foot, so no real pain there. Up on my leg there was occasional pain but low dose pain pills helped with that. All I can say is that the Lord was working things out in ways we couldn't even begin to imagine. You know our Lord really does work things together for good (Romans 8:25).  

    We were finally home again now what? What was life going to be like now?         

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