God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit

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Friday, February 7, 2025

An On Going Journey


   Good afternoon from the Panhandle, and welcome. It looks like I am coming to the end of this series of blogs. I have to tell you it has been a journey for sure. Back in July I had both legs, was fully mobile, and my 18 year old son was still alive and excited about going to O.U. Now I am a below the right knee amputee and my son is dead at just barely 19 years old. 

   I went through three operations on my right leg because of a broken tibia and fibula. The third and I pray the final was the amputation because of infection in my lower leg. What has been wild about this trip is that I really haven't had a hard time dealing with the lost of my lower leg. I mean sure it's a major bummer, but it's not the end of my life. I still can get around with my prosthetic leg, which is cool looking by the way. Yes, I have had to learn about shrinkers, socks and sleeves, but that not been to bad. And walking with a walker or a cane is going pretty good. My good leg has had a bad knee for a number of years and it can get to hurting pretty bad sometimes. But a couple of Tylenol or ibuprofen helps with that.

   Another thing, I thought I would be done with my wheelchair when I got my new leg and that's not so. After wearing my leg all day, I have to go back to my chair to get around. That also means when I go to bed at night or take a nap I have to move over to my wheelchair. Also in the morning I start out in my chair and really it's not so bad for a short time. 

   One of two big draw backs has been that we live in the church parsonage and it has tiny doorways to the bathroom and no walk-in shower. I wrote about this some time back, for me to take a shower is a process; but praise the Lord I can take a shower. The other draw back is I can't drive - yet. I thought it would be as easy as buying a hand system for the car, but noooo. It seems I have several hoops that I am going to have to hobble through before that can happen, but I'm so ready for it to happen and so is my wife.

   Like dealing with the grief over the death of our son, though not as hard; dealing with the lost of my lower leg will be an on going process. However with the great support I have from family, church family, friends, and my Lord, Christ Jesus it is bearable. "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Christ Jesus' promise found in Matthew 28:20b. Also I find great comfort in these words for Christ Jesus, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:29-30).

  I pray that this series on my journey thus far will be helpful to you or someone you know. And if you have any questions you can ask them here or on my facebook page, Orden Hartley or my e-mail - broordenh@gmail.com and I will do my best to answer them.

May the Lord bless you on your journey.

Bro. Orden - A Panhandle pastor

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